Audio, Video & Much More
Delivering Entertainment, Information & Beautiful Convenience Since 1993
Technology that works. Simpler.
- Simple and reliable is how we build it. No uneccessary components (that claim to make your life easier!) that need constant updates and calls or emails for service.
- Superb quality AV products from Yamaha, Sony, Sonos, Samsung, etc.
- Lutron lighting control systems- PRO gold dealer for 15 years.
- Interior roller shades from Lutron. Exterior shades from Draper & Insolroll to expand and extend outdoor living.
- Music everywhere, wifi anywhere. Central vacuum. Digital signage. Cellular signal amplifiers. TV sales/installation. Networking any scope.
- Commercial and residential. School districts, banking centers, retail centers, more. From blueprint to install turnkey.
Lutron motorized shades- none better!
Please call or email to setup an appointment for us to visit with you regarding your project.